
The Right Way to Make Dua
English Bayan, 39 mins
30th October, 2018

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Allah has given us a fantastic deed that helps us with depression, feeling low, not wanting to meet anyone etc, stress, anxiety from problems, . When do it:
- Allah's barakat descends (you benefit according to your yaqeen)
- Allah will weaken your problem
- your heart will be strengthened
- you'll feel full satisfaction.

Deed is dua. But most of us don't do it properly, can't even remember what we've asked for. No yaqeen, unlike how we have with dunya solutions. We all have need from Allah, so why don't we do dua properly? We're all going to the grave, however rich or powerful, so why aren't we asking for Jannah in grave?

So, dua is peak of ibadat. We have this great blessings, so do it properly after every fardh salaah, like we go thru shopping list from wife, do so with dua to Allah - Allah likes this. Ask, however small. Story of a women's cow which had died, but pious man made dua and it came alive.

Dua with yaqeen, doors of mercy open straight away. Opens the best of connections, with Allah. But we complain that we make dua, but we still have our problems - astaghfirullah.

A friend of Allah's dua is accepted, why not yours? Because dua from heart full of negligence and laziness is not accepted. Not our appearance, but our hearts are what counts. Bad heart, then long duas next to Kaba of no use. So, dirty heart makes you dirty, just like putting something dirty in a bowl makes it dirty. Ask with clean heart, which is done by TAUBAH. Promise to leave your sins, THEN ask, and you'll get everything.

Story of Hadhrat Sahib, during Hajj there was no water in hotel for ghusl. Boro Hadhrat Sahib told them to do dua at multazim. Water suddenly came, benefitted everyone, kept going UNTIL after Hadhrat Sahib finished their ghusl!

So, do taubah properly, not just cover TV for a few hours and do khatam, do ya-sin etc. No, no. Wash your heart with taubah, do dhikr and THEN do dua.
28th Nov, 2018