
What is the Spirit of Universe Humanity & Shariah?
English Bayan, 38 mins
16th October, 2018

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Something is only alive with a soul. SOUL OF UNIVERSE IS ZIKR. Hence why when no-one is left to do zikr, Allah will end the universe - only takes one zaakir to keep it going. See how important zikr is. Household without zikr - cursed, in loss. Ignorance of this reality = azab from Allah. We're like this - Quran not in our hearts and minds. We've left the greatest book from Allah. Many daughters, hufaaz, graduates from darul-uloom, etc have left deen.

So zikr - there are those that reject it and other accept, take bayat, but then turn away from it, criticise. How can we get back to zikr? Fish get caught in net, since left zikr for only a moment. It's zikr, not food, that will keep you going. Gathering of zikr changes map of world - clammer, angels descent etc. But we want music, feasts, etc. We want cure for our maladies etc, ask Allah - just do zikr, cure in front of you. Yet we complain about our situation and that our zikr is not effective. We count money, money incessantly, but that's not what's keeping us alive.

Society/community/household/country where there's SHARIAH is one which is alive. No shariah = all deceased. Walking, talking etc, but DEAD. And deceased decay, get devoured => sins, devoured by shaitaan. La-shariah country = dead, decomposing mouse. Shariah itself has a soul, without which it is dead = SUNNAH.

ZIKR - For zaakir, pass tree, mountain, sit in plane etc, all these things become blessed. Reject zikr, shaitaan waswas - you're destroyed. SUNNAH - stop nitpicking, ghair-mukadah etc - that's not style of Sahaabah, they followed it all, out of love.

This is not speech, from heart. Social media - fitnah spread in seconds. Not like before, when took weeks, days. Only protection is zikr + sunnah.

- Tirmidhi - Rasoolullah (saws) prefer white colour and especially white clothes. Does lover need proof, ask why etc? No. So, especially for special occasions, weddings etc, why do we look elsewhere?
- When Rasoolullah (saws) go to bed, wear surmah. Who's most beautiful in universe? His Habeeb (saws). Unimaginable. True beauty hidden from us. Known as "Reality-of-Muhammad". Hadhrat Aishah (ra) got a flash, and fell unconscious. So we can share in this beauty - eg surmah. Sunnah way is at night, 2 styles: right eye, dip, left eye, dip, then repeat thrice OR twice in same eye, then again once in each
18th Oct, 2018