
What Does Mujaahidah Mean?
Bayan, 47 minutes
27th September, 2018

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Hadith Qudsi, Allah becomes our hands, eyes, ears etc - very close to us. This is for all of us, not just some select people. Look at history of awliyallah - their backgrounds no different to us, they just worked hard to get Allah's nearness. Quran - Allah says "wa jaahadu fi sabeelihi" - do get close, WORK HARD, DO MUJAAHIDAH.

Stories of Awliyah, salah through night,regular fast etc, and we get scared that we can't do this, too hard. Yet we attend to zikr majaalis, bayans after salah - we have some keenness. Allah drags us to zikr: "yu' tee mayashaa". After salah, whilst everyone goes back to dunya, we attend majlis and get Allah's massive blessing - we should be thankful by not leaving zikr.

So, this Hadith Qudsi. Example of Boro Hadhrat Sahib during Hajj - no passport, wasn't eating, but sitting peacefully in Haram (opposite Rukne Yemeni). Someone brought them fresh gulab jaman, another man put a load on money in their lap - they asked Huzoor to look after it. Huzoor thinking maybe people giving out of pity - waswas. Example of someone from Bolton who wanted death in Madinah shareef, didn't even have money to get there, but it happened.

Mujaahidah isn't lots of ibaadat. That's not how Allah's friends got close to Allah. We should ALL get this closeness - run to Allah since death is coming. So how? WHEN WE DESIRE TO DO A SIN, CRUSH THAT DESIRE FOR ALLAH'S SAKE. (Not for others, no need to mention to others, only for Allah.) Then, Allah's nearness comes straight away. Nafs always rears its head, so we continually have to crush it - and therefore get close to Allah - not just by 5 salahs a day.

Eg angry with someone, want to smack them, but calm yourself down. Eg needy women - man offer money for zina, nearly were going to do, on the verge, women cried, and he crushed his nafs and left her (with more money), died soon after, high status in Jannah.

So, when nafs come up, trample them - this is the mujaahidah mentioned. Can't get this from hundreds of Salaah, Hajj, Fast - only when do so whilst crushing desires. And when nafs invites, and you say "no", it will melt away. Have courage.

Many methods to control, weaken nafs - strongest is dhikr. King fights and imprisons enemy - you must do same. If nafs wins, it will spoil all your ibadat. The enemy has won. But if you win, nafs will shreek and disappear. Example - you fast, do dhikr, salaah, but then do sin afterwards - spoils your deeds. You feel this - don't enjoy ibaadat since engrossed in nafs.

So, remember Allah, zikr, to have spiritual strength over your nafs, such that Allah becomes your hands, eyes, ears. Not by Hajj - see fitnah there, people elbowing each other, quarrelling etc - nafs. That is why Boro Hadhrat Sahib sometimes unwell, but not bothered. But their duas always answered.

Example of king who crushed his desire to eat, Hadhrat Ibn Adam, 400 nafl whenever feel hunger - servant came and gave him loads of food and land, was a test: freed servant, told them to distribute everything to needy.

Sheets - test. I see Salaah 100%, Dhikr 100%, Majlis 100%, but sin sheet all messed up - our nafs taken hold. Can't even leave backbiting. This is main sheet - need to get full row of ticks. But those that reject this sheet system - lost. So, SIN SHEET is main one - IT IS A MIRROR OF YOUR SPIRITUAL STATE, of whether you have successfully crushed your nafs, which is main objective of tasawuf.
6th Oct, 2018