
Three Rewards For One Sunnah
Bayan, 42 minutes
30th August, 2018

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We should have worry for the hereafter, which means we should worry about gaining Allah's pleasure. Even our food, health, wealth, is for Allah's pleasure. All of the blessings of this world, given to us by Allah, should be for this purpose, not for wasteful purposes - this is how we show greatfulness for these blessings.

And Allah hasn't hidden on how to get His pleasure. There are many such ways. Allah tells us the easiest way, quickest path, most superior one, make us those whom Allah's loves. Qur'an (surah Imran): tell Rasoolullah (saws) to announce: FOLLOW MY SUNNAH. But we says it's not necessary, we eat, dress, meet relatives in our own way. But if we do it, Allah will love you and forgive your sins. Sunnah covers everything, husband, wife, newborn, whole life, enter masjid, put on shoes, walking, talking. Always make intention when doing all these things, in sunnah.

Story of door-to-door salesman who drank in sunnah way - got promoted, as a result. Need to teach this from young age - more important than Hifz, money etc. Follow sunnah, wealth will come to you.

Will die with Allah's love.
Ghafoor - All previous sins forgiven
Raheem - sins transformed to good deeds

If critise those who follow sunnah, your son or daughter, big azaab from Allah. Biggest enemy of Allah. You're challenging Allah's deen. You'll be fine in dunya, but severe punishment in aakhirah. If can't follow sunnah, don't reject it

Follow sunnah, get both deen and dunya. Problems, marriage issues, disobedient kids, etc, are just tests.
Sahaabah had such tests. Never let them make you leave the sunnah

Hadeeth - EAT TOGETHER. Then barakah, however little the food. Same with salaah, wealth etc - ask for barakah, not amount. And barakah comes from sunnah. But today, people eating takeaways in own time, and we complain of stomach ache etc, no barakah. Eat together as family, more the people the more the barakah - invite good people, poor people etc. Invite with respect, humility. (Story of boro Hadhrat saahib. 300 people on dastarkhan, full of barakah.). If you serve friends of Allah like this, have life full of barakah.
1st Sep, 2018