
First Deed in the Way to Allah
English Bayan, 32 mins
28th August, 2018

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سبحان۰الله there is no one like Hadhrat Sahib Masha’Allah.
29th Aug, 2018
Dhikr is means to end - closeness to Allah. Dhikr gatherings, many forgiven. Sulook = path to this nearness.

Hadhrat Ahmed Rashid Gangoli, rahmatullah alaihi, great pious elder, stated that to attain this path, first action is dhikr. Whatever your condition, weak, feel hypocrite etc, NEVER leave your dhikr. Else other work, tabligh etc, empty. Sign of Allah's love.

If Allah unhappy with someone, doesn't take away his dunya, takes away sajdah from him. Make him deaf, dumb, blind. Takes away taste of ibadat. All hoors of Jannah staring at Hadhrat Uthman ra, result of their Tahajjud, they had so much taste for it. We don't have this. Our spiritual taste buds have gone. You don't want to make salaah, dhikr etc, realise Allah is unhappy with you - change yourself. Else ensnared in trap of dunya.

Dhikr gathering - sakina, forgiveness. We'll watch movie, football all night, not dhikr. Allah's curse. We feel left out if not invited to feast, so why do we have to be begged to come to Allah's feast?? We complain about always being asked to come to dhikr. JUST ATTEND DHIKR GATHERING EVERY MORNING AND EVENING, and the rest of the day is yours - you will see your sins leave you, will see death with kalima
29th Aug, 2018