
Gathering of Ramadhan 2018 - No. 5
English Bayan, 37 mins
24th May, 2018

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Fast - great reward, attain love of Allah, since done for Him. Allah's says "This person is mine". Just like Allah says masjid is His house, makes it blessed, fast makes you the same way.

Hadheeth: Allah doesn't need hunger and thirst of those who engage in wrong actions or wrong chat. Whole fast wasted - our reality. Intact fast = do whilst being obedient to Allah. So many people fast in severe conditions, heat, lack of food etc, but don't leave Sins. What a waste.

So reward of fast isn't from hunger/thirst, but to leave Sins. Fast is means to achieve that. Allah helps you - tie up shaitaan and crush your nafs, base desires, by stopping you from eating/drinking. (when eat/drink, nafs is released). We get so used to sinning, habit, but this help is to help you break this habit. So get benefit only if take hold of this help - become obedient. You have 30 days. He is making us strive, to come out of darkness. If do 30 days without any haram, no haram earning, no deception, no breaking promises etc, Allah guarantees your nature will be changed for good.

But we're not like this. Music, sinning, gossiping, lying, backbiting, zulm - fighting with Allah, thinking forgiven with fast, but actually inviting Allah's punishment. Those that reject this are arrogant, asking for mercy whilst sinning - do taubah against this sort of fast. No good, not changing fitra, no affect.

No need for Taraweeh, iftar etc. Crush desires, and THEN ask Allah for mercy. This is correct fast. But Allah is merciful - ask for forgiveness and correct yourselves, then Allah will turn to you more than a mother to a remorseful child. You can turn yourself around in an instance.

Iman. Biggest treasure. Alhamdulillah. Should be so grateful. Fast? 30 days. Iman? Whole life! Ramadhan goes like a flash, but so does your life. Post fast, reward, post life with iman, biggest reward. In same way we must be obedient in fast, must be obedient in life. Otherwise, just as fast is wasted, IMAN IS WASTED.

Start your Ramadhan properly from today. Inshallah all your previous fasts etc will come back. Don't play with your iman, doing good deeds but mixed with Sin. Only then will doors of Jannah be open to you. No excuses, change your Ramadhan, change your life.
25th May, 2018