
Gathering of Ramadhan 2018 - No. 2
English Bayan, 32 mins
19th May, 2018

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Rasoolullah (s) made dua for Ramadhan 2 months before it - such is its blessings. What is this blessing? Special mercy of Allah that is not in other months, not fasting or salaah, both of which can happen at other times. But you need to invite this mercy, not reject it. The biggest losers are the latter. Allah's mercy is any time, but the one in Ramadhan is greater and we'll feel it in Jannah. How do we invite it? Do good deeds, Qur'an, Taraweeh, charity etc, without any gap. How can you do without gap? Continously? Do dhikr of the heart! Conversely, your sins will make you of those you reject. Doesn't matter how minor. Lying, backbiting, hatred, jealousy, wasting time, chit chat, gossip, going against sunnah, music, trim beard, no purdah for sisters etc. Nothing to do? Read Quran, do dhikr. If in heart, even get its benefit when sleeping, walking, talking, cooking etc. And when do this dhikr, will make you shun sins. Speak less, reduce contact with others, focus on dhikr and ibaadat. Reduce worldly things to reduce risk of fitnah. Don't lose out on gatherings of dhikr - so sad if you missed these out.
20th May, 2018