
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
English Bayan, 61 mins
6th February, 2017

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To attain Jannah, we must attest to the kalimah shahaadah, both by tongue and by heart. This is stage 1. For most of us, we were born with this attestation, so making it easy for us.

But there is a stage 2 - we must also live our lives within the circle of this kalimah, the circle of Islam. Every part of our lives, wife, kids, job, work, shopping, must all be within this circle. We must consider that it is Allah running our lives, so don't try to come out of the circle to solve your problems. Allah is our sponsor, our protector. For example, run your business according to Islam - that's your job. If it is failing, don't worry - it is from Allah so don't come out of the circle and break Allah's laws. Follow Islam consistently. For example, men should make 5 times salaah in jamaat, not just when they feel like it.

If our children are leaving this circle, we should be crying to Allah about it.

Also, Allah has given us an easy way to stay within the circle, the Quran and Sunnah. We have the sahaabah, the mujtahid imams. Everything is covered.
* How to go toilet (without doing it, science shows the diseases).
* How to enter the house - most quarrels at home are due to not doing this, because shaitaan enters as well.
* How do change clothes, cut nails, cut hair etc

When we do this, we will be the proper alim - one of amal. Even if you change your life midway through, you will get the reward for your whole life.

What's stopping us? Nafs and shaitaan. The latter is with us from birth to the grave. The cure is in this kalimah - abundant Dhikr. This is stage 3. Dhikr will make you aware of your sins, and help you come back into the circle of Islam. The Dhaakir becomes the KEY to Jannah. Do this for enjoyment in the afterlife. The enjoyments of this life are temporary - nice food in, toilet a short while later.

Backbiting - you need to make taubah for this by asking the person you did it to for forgiveness. Another way is to ask Allah's forgiveness STRAIGHT AWAY after you did it. Only the Dhaakir will recognise this sin.

Other points:
*You should consider that the bayans are a message directly to you.
*Muraqabaat (Dhikr of the heart) - this is a massive action. You should imagine the light of Allah's mercy is entering your heart

8th Feb, 2017