
Two Fears
Bayan, 55 minutes
28th January, 2017

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There is a disease that has been around since the beginning, and that is fear of the dunya. It is a fear that has us chasing the dunya, has us full of worries, makes us turn to medication due to stress, makes us mad. Worst of all, it makes us sin.

There is another fear. It has the same symptoms as the first - worries, tears etc. But instead of making us mad, it gives us wilaayat. What fear is this? It is the fear of Allah

How do we attain this fear of Allah? Follow the solution of the sahaabah: attain the company of one who has this fear, a friend of Allah, and do so with the correct intention- follow what he says, come what may, whatever tests you encounter. And even if this person isn't a friend of Allah, Allah will make him one so that you will benefit.
31st Jan, 2017