
The Last Message of Ramadhan
Bayan, 42 minutes
1st May, 2022

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The Last Message of Ramadhan

Ramadan gave us a task, an action for 30 days.
لعلكم تتقون
When you exit from Ramadan, then exit as a Muttaqi. It made us revise and utilise all those resources through which a person can attain Taqwa alhamdulillah and Allah ta'ala gave us the ability to implement these lessons alongside. Ramadan has gone and there's only a few moments left, and the summary of the month of Ramadan is encapsulated in one hadith, لا تحقرن
من المعروف شيأ
This is narrated by Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has summarised the entire Ramadan in this small hadith. What does it mean by Ramadan? What we attained in Ramadan, which is Taqwa. In this hadith we receive the message of what Taqwa is. This hadith is the explanation and the definition of Taqwa. When Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about Ramadan, if you read the hadith, first he mentioned its greatness, and glory, and he mentioned that fasting is incumbent upon you, and then immediately afterwards, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this point. In reality, you cannot gain Taqwa through all the deeds you perform, without this thing. It will come, but it will be on and off, up and down because we have tasted the pleasure of Taqwa and we have understood that to live a life without Taqwa is difficult. And May Allah Make this so because life without Taqwa is the lifestyle of an animal, it is a life without purpose and you cannot attain anything. All year long we worked hard and even before Ramadan we worked hard, but we didn't know about our destination, we didn't know the proper route to reach our destination so Ramadan made it apparent that our objective is nothing besides one thing. That when you are presented in the court of Allah, then make sure you are presented as a Muttaqi. Otherwise, your deeds will have no value, your hard work will have no value, your worship will hold no value, the value of everything is attained through your Taqwa. So my brothers, the greatest advice for us, Ramadan is departing but do not leave this journey and don’t lose the focus of your destination because we need to attain this before death. Don’t die and depart without Taqwa. So what is it which makes a person a Muttaqi quickly? That is what we are indicated towards over here. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indicated to this in the hadith, that do this deed first and foremost and he didn’t give us the command for anything else. The instruction was given to fast and then with regards to this point. Allah's nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained in the hadith and what did he say in the hadith?

لا تحقرن من المعروف شيأ
And this is a very important message. Don't consider anything as a minor. What does it mean by 'thing'? Never consider a good deed as insignificant and never consider it to be unimportant or small. Why? Because if you consider it to be a small deed, then you may leave it and incur a very big loss. And this is the biggest mistake that we make. For example, when we are sat at the meal spread, we pick up the main dishes of food and we leave the small dishes. "Let's eat the main stuff first", or "we should eat this thing first." Even whilst it causes harm to our health, we stretch our hands towards those things because that is the main thing. In spite of that, if there's something smaller, and it's good for your health, you leave it, will you be healthy after eating? What will happen after you eat it? You'll be sick. So fair enough it is okay to eat, but alongside it, those small things are important and these hold more value and benefit. It is Allah ta'ala's greatness and wisdom that Allah has put so much importance in the smallest of deeds. Think about it. Yes. So don’t consider it as insignificant Allah says. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave an example in this hadith so we can understand, that you don't spend on anything, your time is not being spent on anything, nothing at all, just smile and meet somebody, how much effort did you use? Even for this deed of smiling there is great value. What is the value? Allah ta'ala becomes happy. And when Allah is happy, then perhaps all of your other deeds may have failed but Allah ta'ala may forgive you due to that action. One day there was a man in distress, may be he was a waster, you didn’t even know him and whether he was your enemy, but you moved your lips which I gave you, Allah says. You widened them and created a smile. Despite not wanting to, you spoke to him in a nice way and what was in this? Allah ta'ala says, you never considered anything which I gave you as a minor thing. Allahu akbar. Allah is the greatest and everything He has given us is Great. Who are we to classify what is more important. No. The biggest thing is that thing which enables us to attain Allah’s nearness. We say, "he is my sheikh, Abdul Qadir Jilani Rahmatullahi Alayh, Junaid Baghdadi sheikh. And we say, "no my sheikh, he is small." Small in scale. Why? "Because they didn't introduce me to Allah, but he introduced me to Allah. So who do I know is Abdul Qadir Jilani Rahmatullahi Alayh, Khawaja Moieenud-deen Chisti Rahmatullahi Alayh, alhamdulillah they were great people mashaaAllah and Allah gave them ranks. But, I am worried about myself that this individual has shown me the path. He is my Abdul Qadir Jilani, he is my Khawja Moieenud-deen Chisti, he's Mujaddid Ali Thani, he's everything for me. SubhaanAllah. You know, someone knocked on Hadhrat Mirza Mazhar Jaane-Jaanan Rahmatullahi Alayh's door and this is a true event. He was a great sheikh. He came out and MashaAllah, an illuminated person was stood there and he said, "Mazhar? He said, "yes?" He said, "I have come to meet you." He replied, "I'm very happy, introduce yourself." He said, "I’m Khidhr." He replied, "oh okay mashaaAllah, very happy to meet you." He wasn't shocked because angels come and that is not a big deal for a Muslim. We get scared that a jinn has come and we run away, but he won't be a jinn if he is illuminated, he would be an angel. So he wasn't surprised as he was used to this. We have Allah's Mercy so no problem will come to us, we are those people who remember Allah so he said, "mashaaAllah I'm very happy that I've seen you and good fortune in my destiny." He said, "that's fine, but I am Khidr and you are Mazhar. Tell me what do you need, is there any point of Ma'rifah which I can teach you?" And Hadhrat smiled and said, "I’m very happy, my sheikh is there. Thank you for your efforts but I have my own sheikh to guide me. Give this answer to my Lord at the same time." So he saluted me and he said, "mashaaAllah, you are strong and no shaytan can deviate you." So this is the point to understand. Allah's Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, "the smallest of good deeds." Why will it be small? What we should consider is to achieve Allah's ta'ala's nearness and pleasure through this. We want to please Allah. There’s a person, not one, but we will see many examples of this game on the day of judgement, who is going in to paradise and who is going to hell. That's when we will realise the value of the actions. There will be different reckoning there. Allah ta'ala will be present there Himself and it will be a unique reckoning. People who we consider to useless, sinful, lazy, but mashaaAllah they will be going to paradise quickly. May Allah forgive, we consider them to be small and that they are not important people. May Allah forgive, but the direction will have changed them. Allah ta'ala will say, it’s my reckoning. They will not be what we deem to be in piety according to our standards and how we assess people. When we see someone, we are influenced extremely quickly. Allah ta'ala is not influenced like this. Allah ta'ala is influenced by one thing. The person whose heart is سليم pure and shining. That's what Allah ta'ala likes and He says, a person with such a shining heart, is His servant. He is on the right path. So there in the Hereafter, we will see unique individuals and they will be asked, "what were your deeds? What did you do that you are going in to Jannah first?" He will say, "I didn’t do anything at all. I don’t even know myself. Perhaps I said something." "So what did you do that you can't remember which has given you paradise?" He said, "I was just walking along one day, and my prayer was weak anyway, I had nothing really and I wasn't a pious person. So I was walking along one day and I saw that there was some rubbish there in front of me and I just walked past." Listen carefully to the point I am about to explain to you. He said, "I was walking past that mess and rubbish and I thought hmm." So this is the point, the actual good deed. This is the definition of a good deed. So I'll explain to you what this is called in Tasawwuf. I'll explain to the Sufi who are present. "So I was walking and I came back." And this is a sahih hadith I am sharing with you as well. These aren't stories, but my style is that it seems like a story, but it's from the hadith. I do it like this so you can understand otherwise I also know the method of explaining hadith, technical points, "what an aalim!" I know how to speak like that as well. I want people to understand. I don’t want praises from people. I have no need for recognition. I just want people listening, I want the small children to understand too. "Yes I understand." And their voice of "subhaanAllah" in my ears.
Because there are ignorant people listening too, as well as people with intellectual people. "What are you saying Hadhrat sahib?" There's people who are illiterate, "oh okay this is the point. Okay I understand, I'll do this now." Even the ignorant man and woman can understand. The women are listening as well mashaaAllah and their phone calls and messages come after.
People who don't have that intellect but they understand. This is the objective. "So why did you go in to paradise?" He said, "I was walking along one day and suddenly a thought came in to my mind." This is the thinking here, not even the action. This is the thing which will make us a Muttaqi. Allah has placed one power inside us, this power and action is so strong and today I am giving you the final essence of Ramadan, the conclusion. I'm not giving you this. Allah's Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said this. The first hadith he began about Ramadan and then after that he mentioned these points. Yes these were the words.

تطوعاً، من تقرب فيه بخصلة

Alhamdulillah I remember the words of the hadith. The first hadith about Ramadan. How is it connected to us? He explained what Ramadan is and the status of Ramadan in a lengthy hadith because Taqwa is what we attain through Ramadan. So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, "that thought of the person." What was the thought of that person? It was the thought of a good deed. So he is a sinful person, an ignorant person but even for that person Allah ta'ala has prepared and what is the preparation? Allah says, I will give you a good positive thought and the noble Sufiyah call this "Waarid." In the books of Tasawwuf, the Sufiyah all 'Waarid" a good thought or a good intention. What does that mean? I'll explain that. Lets go through this example again. So, he said that good thought caused me to return, "look here, an old man or an old woman will walk on the pavement and there's a bit of rubbish here, let me put it to a side. What difference does it make to me." He doesn't know he is earning a good deed. He doesn't know that the people in the world are praising him. He doesn't know his video is being made so people can watch him. He doesn't know that he is getting a certificate. He doesn't know that afterwards people will praise him and give him titles. He doesn't even know that he will remember this deed. "I'll tell someone that I did this." Do a good deed and throw it in to the river. SubhaanAllah. So he did that deed and it went in to the river because he forgot about it. Allah is so kind and Merciful. Imagine Allah's system of justice that you don't have it in your mind and as you are walking along, then you think, let me give that person a lift. Sometimes you are driving your car and you see a person walking in front of you and you think, "he's an old man, it's raining, let me give him a lift." SubhanAllah. That's the action which will give you Taqwa. Tahajjud won't grant you the level that this action can give you. SubhaanAllah. This is why Rasulullah said in hadith, "never consider any deed as a small deed." This is a great blessing of Allah ta'ala. Why is it a blessing? Listen. To have Waarid. The meaning of "Waarid" is 'guest.' So the good thought of doing something good is Allah's guest which comes to you. Its come to you as a "Waarid", so when you have a positive thought, who is giving the definition of this hadith? A great Wali Allah, Hadhrat Aarifi Rahmatullahi Alayh. I had a bit of his company in my life as well. Hadhrat Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi Alayh was one of his greatest Khalifah's. Dr Abdul Hayy Aarifi Rahmatullahi Alayh. And he had such precious pearls of understanding. He said, that Waarid is a guest. So when you have a good thought to do something good, that is a great which comes to you. And when a guest comes to your house, if you reject that guest, you understand? If you shun him or say, "please go away," will that guest come back to you? No he will not return ever again. He will say, "he is disrespectful. He didn’t honour me." But if a guest comes and you are respectful to him and you serve him with tea and drinks, then the guest will feel inclined to come back to you. "Let me go back to his house again. He will give me tea and drinks and food." So the 'Waarid', guest which Allah sends to you, is a positive thought to do good, this guest will take you from one level to another level if you embrace that guest, receive him and seat him and have respect for that guest. In other words, you implement the good thought which you had. Then what will happen? It means you honoured it and time and time again, it will come to you and you will repeatedly be given the opportunity to do good deeds. And you’ll become a fountain of good deeds. SubhaanAllah. If you want to become a Muttaqi in Ramadan, then the greatest action to attain Taqwa is to never consider small deeds as a minor thing. Never do this if you want to be a Muttaqi or a strong Muslim. Never consider an action as unimportant. Yes, I've just told you this hadith.

تطوعاً، من تقرب فيه بخصلة

If you desire to attain Taqwa and be strong then act upon any good deed because you will earn Allah's nearness due to that good deed. فيه بخصلة
And from that, you become a Muttaqi. Understand this point. We don’t understand those actions, we don’t consider them to be good deeds. We don’t think they hold power or give us reward. Whenever you have a thought, even an atoms weight in your heart to do good, you are walking, driving, travelling, take the opportunity. Look at the noble companions Radiyallaha anhum. Hadhrat Ibn Umar Radhiyallahu Anhu, what a great companion. Look at his status and look at his action that he would be sitting and then he would leave his house. "Why are you leaving the house?" "Why are you going out?" He would say, "I am just leaving for this reason so I can see a man and greet him with السلام عليكم so I can get a good deed." Did he have a need? This hadith is in Muwatta Imaam Malik, read this hadith. SubhaanAllah he had no need to leave his home. Have you ever thought yourselves, who is Allah's Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling? He is speaking to Anas Radhiyallahu anhu, "my son." This is also a hadith in Sahih Bukhari, "my son, be careful of one thing." Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling Hadhrat Anas Radhiyallahu anhu. "When you go home then greet your family, there is goodness for you and for your family members too." Tell me, how many of us do this? "Oh it's a minor thing, it is not important." And this deed will become your luggage for forgiveness. We can't do the big actions so Allah ta'ala has given us such easy actions. Allah says, "I'll instil the thought within you, It will be my guest which I will send you and you must respect that guest." The guest that gives you the intention to do good, for example, "let me give him some food and water. Oh he's walking past let me help him. He is doing this, let me give this child a toffee." These are high level actions from the deen. The entire Ramadan begins with these actions. If you want to be a Muttaqi, the first lesson of Taqwa is to never consider an action as a minor action. Whenever you get the opportunity, the thought will first be instilled inside your heart by Allah. To who? Allah ta'ala says, it doesn't matter how sinful and black hearted you are, Allah sends a Waarid, a guest, to everyone's hearts. But the difference here is this, those people who work hard on their hearts, they immediately implement the action after the good thought enters their hearts. But those people who are hard hearted, and they don't work on their hearts, their hearts aren't soft so they reject that thought. Suddenly shaytan attacks that heart. Just like that man who was walking past and he stopped and thought, "Someone else will come and pick up that rubbish. Dont think you're pious. You're going to the mosque. I just prayed salaah and I’ll get jannah from that salaah, forget about moving the rubbish." Immediately shaytan will tell you that you do not need to move this rubbish. Immediately he will take you towards the others actions which you do, "you're pious, you pray, you worship." Just like you're sat here. "Let me do dhikr and go to dhikr." This is Waarid. Allah sends a guest to your heart. "Ooh dhikr is taking place, let's go to the Dhikr gathering." Have you ever felt that? Whilst you're sitting, you experience the positive thought. "Let me do a bit of tasbih." SubhaanAllah. And you pick up the tasbih while you are sitting. This is Waarid. Allah sent a guest to your heart. If you keep doing this practice, you'll become the Muttaqi and you won't even realise. You'll realise when you're standing in the line on the day of judgement and you will be extracted from the line. "Why are you standing in this line? Come to the line of the Muttaqi's. Why are you standing here?" "Me? I'm a Muttaqi. I've not done anything, I didnt pray Tahajjud, I didnt pray." "Dont you know what you did?" All of your actions allowed you to ascend the steps to the point of Taqwa. For example you are going and see a person wearing a turban and you say, "let me wear the turban. He is wearing a turban." This is Waarid. Allah sends this thought inside your heart that you see a turban and you desire to wear the turban. "I like to do that." So Allah ta'ala has made you close to that deed. Yes. Many times this happens to a person that you are going and you have no intention of praying salah and you walk by a masjid, suddenly Allah will send a Waarid and you will think inside your mind, "let me go in to the masjid and pray salaah." Allah sends the guest, the invitation. Yes. You're going to meet someone and it is eid. "Let me get him a gift for eid." This is a guest and Allah ta'ala instilled this guest in your heart. If a thought comes from Allah and you accept that invitation and that guest and you don't stop for even a minute, you take the invitation, then what is the loss? There should only be one loss. "Is this a good deed, oh I won't get reward for this." Thats why Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in advance, "don't reject that opportunity." When Ramadan comes, the first lesson we are given is that you don't practice any other action but even in your mind you don't have the intention to do good. So Allah's nearness is attained via small actions. Don't consider them to unimportant. Ramadan knew that we weren't going to listen and we would run after the big actions and the big worships. "They are not going to go to a poor man and give him food. They are going to invite a rich man to their house and give iftari. They are not going to look at India, Pakistani. He's hungry, poverty, thirsty, let me talk to him or give him food." You are sat here and for example you take a thousand pound out for a cause but think about a human being. Yes. When you turn your attention to a human being who is in need and you have a good thought in your heart, that is the guest which will take you closer to Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala. So when such good thoughts come then alhamdulillah, Allah will make you successful very quickly. So, do you have these positive thoughts in your hearts and mind? Yes. So while you're walking, you take pity on someone for a certain reason. I'm just sharing with you how the thought comes. Some days ago there was an Englishman who was on the street and I was walking past him, he was a simple man and had nothing. He said السلام علیکم I looked at him and he was an Englishman. I walked past and then suddenly Waarid came, a thought came in my head, yes I had no connection or relationship with him, so I put my hand in my pocket to see if anything was there. However much money there is, give it to him, and he was looking at my face. That is Waarid an invitation from a Allah. If you don't want to give, you don't give to many people. Isnt it? You say, "leave this, I don’t want to give anything." But Allah ta'ala creates this thought and He is giving you the invitation. If you don't give it, that's your loss but here Allah ta'ala says, its my thought and I put it in your mind, then give it and you won't lose out. This is Allah ta'ala's style. What a beautiful essence of Ramadan that we are understanding here. Beautiful conclusion. So if we do these actions all life long whenever a good thought comes, then Ramadan gives a guarantee that you are a Muttaqi and you have succeeded. Definitely perform big actions and may Allah grant you the ability, but I know how weak and incapable we are. After Ramadan we will realise what we are practicing. Yes show me a nafil fast after that. Yes. We are waiting to quickly sight the moon so we can quickly get out and do other things. Biscuits, toffees, cakes and chocolates everything are made alhamdulillah, Allah's ta'ala's blessings. But Eid makes us forget everything. So my brothers, inshaaAllah many opportunities of good thoughts will come. Whenever a good thought comes, keep on doing it and don't reject it because it is shaytan who wants to prevent you and stop you from doing that good action. Sometimes you feel like you don't want to do anything and when the thought comes, it is from Allah, so immediately empty your pockets. This is how it is, Allah is inviting. Perform that action straight away. That’s why the noble Sufiyah say that when a Waarid comes to a Sufi, it is the greatest blessing from Allah. Just like the revelation came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Waarid, the invitations come to the Awliyah Allah. Otherwise, satanic thoughts come to those who are sinful. "Hit him. Swear at him. Puncture his car tyre or say bad to this purpose. Ridicule this person." Yes, so if we don’t like someone who is passing by us, we ask the children to swear at him or dishonour or discredit the person. Even if there's nothing to do, we start typing or swearing, mocking the person, and post it on social media and todays messaging system. What do we do? All the social media, different Apps, people are enjoying themselves on their screens, swear at this person, mock this person, joke with this person. We are happy. And on the other hand, those people whose hearts are clean, Allah sends them Waarid an invitation, to do this good deed, that good action, look at this person with love. Go to that person and ask him for forgiveness. I pestered or pained that person. Or let me pray 2 rakat nafil as I'm sitting here free at least. Or I'm just talking wasting my time, just do tasbih of dhikr at the same time. You're walking on the pavement, recite durood, there's no difference to me. So these Waarid come to a person. They come don’t they? These thoughts. So this benefits who? Instead of wasting time, at that time when you'll be sitting with the Wali Allah, then you'll learn these good habits. These are the things you'll learn in the company of the Awliyah Allah. You don't learn how to at swear at people, or send bad messages, is that what you learn in the company of the Awliyah Allah? No. These are the همزات الشياطين
who are companions of shaytan. He fills their minds with bad things. So if you get positive thoughts then be a million times grateful, "Allah, im grateful, my company is good, my heart is good, my dhikr is good as well. SubhaanAllah. Yes. Just like Allah sends the Wahi to the Prophets, He sends Kashf, visions to the Awliyah Allah and they see things. When you keep respecting your guest, then your guest will keep coming, it becomes a great guest and it is that same guest which you keep doing a good deed and it becomes Kashf inside you. An accepted kashf. And then that friend of Allah can see everything. How does A wali Allah become so? Whenever he gets a good intention or a thought, he never rejects it. He implements it. That's why no one leaves empty handed from their house. For example, someone comes to ask and you say, "I don't have anything." Then he thinks, "this is the Waarid that has come to me, if you have something, then give." Then he takes out the luggage and furniture from his house and gives it to that person. Is this not the case? Yes. So this is the emotions of the high level of Taqwa. So I'm not saying to you that if you want to become a Muttaqi, then start praying Tahajjud, I'm not saying it's the end of Ramadan, go in to prostration. I'm not ordering you to pray nawafil or keep voluntary fasts. I'm just speaking of the obligatory Fard actions with you and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam's sunnah. That is what is important for us. And I’ll tell you another unique point to gain this which Allah's Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us. The hadith of Ramadan,
تطوعاً، من تقرب فيه بخصلة
if you want Allah's nearness, you want to be a Wali and a Muttaqi, what should you do?
Never reject any good deed nor consider it to be insignificant. Perform it immediately. We don’t know the message Ramadan has told us. Nobody has explained this isn't it? The entire Ramadan came for this practice that if you want to be a Muttaqi then this is the first instruction to remember. Pick up the hadith and read it for yourself. You were entering Ramadan and the first thing you were made to practice this action. Allah has not given anything else emphasis as much as implementing this action. What does Allah ta'ala say about implementing this? I have prepared this for you so you can practice, such that whenever you commit a small good deed, then we will make it equivalent to a fard in reward, why? So you become habitual in doing this and gaining the reward of fard and that's what we have been doing in Ramadan. "Ooh this is equivalent to a fard, perform a nafil salah, this is equivalent to a fard. If I do this action, it is equivalent to a fard" and it will be 70 times over.
And we perform good deeds, Allah says, "become accustomed to performing good deeds." Now you are receiving the reward of one fard but you'll receive more than this. What is that? You’ll earn Allah ta'ala's nearness and love. So what a small and lightweight point but you get these learnings from the company of the Awliyah Allah. Yes. So as Ramadan is ending, I am sharing a great message with you, deen of Islam is very easy for us. We become afraid that after Ramadan, "I have to do this to become Muttaqi." No. Just bring 2 or 3 things in to your life. The root of this whole discussion is to keep your company good. Wherever are you, don't worry, Dajjal will come, Dajjal's father will come, evil and corruption will come, deen is disappearing, don't worry about any of these things. To gain good company is this day and age is not easy, it is very hard. But we have got it so easily today. Ask those people who find it very hard to find good company and after so much hardship, they receive it. After doing many sacrifices they receive it. At the end of their lives, they receive the company of the pious person. When I had love and I felt like it, then whoever was close to my Sheikh, immediately I would go and meet him and mashaaAllah, the love doesn't diminish. For example if you have takeaway in your house and you eat it while you have it, the one who is far away from the takeaway, or the owner himself, he doesn't even like it, he doesn't want to eat it and he doesn’t eat it. "Why am I going to eat it? I'm too used to it. Its being made." But the one who is from outside who is a stranger and has travelled from far, "let's go there today and have that food, that takeaway, there's some nice food he makes." They start preparing from now and thinking about Eid. "I'll go there and call my friends, we will phone them and we will eat that takeaway, we will enjoy ourselves eating over there in the evening." Because he values that taste and delicacy isn't it? So this is the point. So this how a person becomes successful, when he values something. When he performs a good deed and alongside it, he moves towards the good and attain Allah’s nearness. The nearness increases. So the biggest message Ramadan gives to us is that, you have forgotten these things! In Ramadan we got the reward of Fard so we can become accustomed to them and after becoming habitual we can become a Muttaqi and perform this for the rest of our lives because we can't perform big action for the rest of our lives. When we can't do the big actions, then we give up and says, "let's leave the rest of it too. We will do it in Ramadan next year." No. This shouldn’t be the case. The greatest formula we have been given in this month is an easy practice of deen. Adopt good pious company and then you'll receive good thinking time and time again. If you adopt bad company, you will receive satanic thoughts, "hit him. Beat him. Swear at him. Fight with him." But when you sit with the Awliyah Allah, then pious thinking will come to your heart. So this is what I was saying to you that it is difficult to attain good company. When I felt like meeting Hadhrat sahib, then what sacrifice did I have to make? I didn't make no sacrifice, no big effort, no big deal in comparison to what I was receiving. Making an effort and travelling is nothing. I didn’t even realise all of those things have gone and all we see now is the enjoyment of that good company. The feelings, the emotions. I never thought "I have to spend this much on a flight ticket. I have to leave this behind. I have to travel." I had difficulty in the journey. I had to travel thousands of miles, take the plane journey, the boat journey and then a taxi drive and from where to where I had to travel and after all of that, and then what would we see? One small masjid, it was sparkling, and a Wali Allah sitting there. SubhaanAllah. He said, "you have come for this?" I said, "I have left everything in the world to come here.” I left London. I left my business. I left my shop. I left my wife. I left my children. I left everything. I took a loan to travel to see this moon, my blessed teacher and SubhaanAllah does the moon not reflect upon those who gaze at it? He was a beautiful cool moon and my Sheikh's reflection would come upon the heart. So my brothers, do that action wherever you are in the world, it doesn't matter, that is your fate. You could be 1000 miles away, 10 miles away, 5 miles away, 2 miles away, but value the company of the teacher. Dont be disrespectful, don’t have bad manners, don’t talk rubbish. Whenever you go to your Sheikh, then prepare that I am going to him and it will be such a sight, that there will be love beyond love which I will attain. There should be no complaints after that. I swear by Allah upon every sight, the ranks will increase! The more you sit there, the more the nearness and Mercy of Allah will overwhelm you. I'm not saying this, the hadith says this. When people go and sit with the Wali Allah in the gathering of dhikr, then the angels surround that gathering, Allah's mercy envelopes the gathering and peace descends. All of this is what? This is the gathering of the Wali Allah and his company. This is what happens when a Wali Allah sits and it happens all the time, every time. Say SubhaanAllah. So keep this one habit in life of pious company. There are 2 people. One is Abu Jahal's style watching and one is Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu Anhu's. There are two types of watching. All lifelong Abu Jahal said, "I dont want this. I want loss for you." He was cursing Astaghfirullah. Eventually where was he going to go? In to the well. And Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu Anhu, his one sight, was a sight of love and that has a different value. The difference is in the style of gaze. Its the same human being but the difference is in the way you look and respect. Example, the same people are wearing the attire, the turban, but inside there is complaints and hypocrisy, no love and respect. No sacrifice. And this is the reality. That's why Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, "if you come to see me, then give in charity first." SubhaanAllah. So who gave in charity first? The master of all the human beings. Hadhrat Ali Radhiyallahu anhu fulfilled this sunnah. So this point came in my mind because this is the lifestyle of the Darveish that when you go to see your Sheikh then give sadaqah before you go. May my visiting be accepted. May my looking be accepted. May my nearness be accepted. Why? I don’t have link with the money that I am giving, but he is the waseela, he is the means to Allah ta'ala. Remember this. I'm sharing this statement that the great Wali of Allah said, until you do not possess Taqwa, you won't receive Allah and you cannot get Taqwa, until you receive the Waseela of your Sheikh. So you reject this and in the modern day and age, people say, he's an extremist, what kind of waste talk is this? Go to the Ka'bah. "We will see Allah. Go to the Multazim and embrace it. You will receive Allah. Drink Zam Zam, and you will attain Allah's nearness. I spent a week in the Haramain, Madinah, great enjoyment and I have got Allah's nearness." These things are correct what you are saying, that is fine and I'm not challenging this. But what is in the company of the Wali Allah? Those who can go to Makkah or Madinah, they have no assets, Allah says I'll tell you where to go. Go to the company of the Wali Allah, sit there and you will receive everything. All of the benefits. So Ramadan has given us a very straightforward message that if you want to become a Muttaqi then sit with the good people and when good thoughts will come in your mind. "Do this action, do that action." When you have good company, then good thoughts will come. The more you have love and manners and respect for your Sheikh, the more the good thoughts and feelings will increase in your heart and mind. Remember this lesson. Remember what I am saying. The more you adopt the company of your sheikh, the good invitation and the desire to do good will become Kashf and miracles. You say, I don’t Kashf and miracles, dreams and emotions but you have all the capacity within you. A small action, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at least give Salaam to someone, in your heart you have the feeling, at least smile at that person. Allah's Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us this. Why are you looking left and right? This will happen. Sit by a Wali Allah and see, sit with him. SubhaanAllah. So my brothers, may Allah accept our Ramadan. May Allah accept our Ramadan. May Allah accept all of our spiritual gatherings in Ramadan and may Allah accept whatever I have said. I ask you for forgiveness for any mistakes I made or disrespect and I keep asking Allah for forgiveness because my tongue can slip. But I try and say that, "oh Allah when I speak, I speak upon the instruction of your beloved servant. My sheikh gave me the command to go and speak to the people. That’s why I speak to the people otherwise I have no need to speak to you. Brothers, if my words are beneficial to you, then accept them and if you don't like them, then don't be unhappy, don't swear, don't criticise and then don't speak about them. Yes those who don't like our gatherings then don't come here. You don't need to be unhappy or angry, go to another gathering. Why do you go through difficulties and pain, you don't like it, yet you still come. I don’t understand this, what does this mean? If you don't like it then go to another gathering. Sit somewhere else. Alhamdulillah there is no lack of sheikh and MashaAllah I have no lack of mureeds. So this is a very great case of happiness. My Sheikh used to say, "there's no happiness for who comes and there's no sadness for whoever leaves." I don't know who has gone, where he has gone. If he has gone then he has gone. May Allah ta'ala grant khair. If he has come, then welcome, instruction and embrace him and show him love and whatever you have, try to give that person. SubhaanAllah. He is the guest of Allah. So inshaaAllah, I am hopeful that after Ramadan, you will keep coming and going like this or not? Tell me. Yes it is not just restricted to Ramadan is it? May Allah allow our gatherings to continue. May Allah give me power and health so I can keep on sitting in front of you and so our journey continues. Come. Let's do the final dhikr of Ramadan and present it in Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala's's court. Ameen.
6th May, 2022
Hazrat sahibs bayaans bring us so much hope alhamdulillah. These precious moments of Ramadan were made even more special and valuable with these inspiring bayaans. May Allah ta'ala help us to implement and give hazrat sahib great health and strength so we can continue benefiting.
5th May, 2022